000-331 Exam
Power Systems Sales for AIX and Linux
* Exam Number/Code : 000-331
* Exam Name : Power Systems Sales for AIX and Linux
* Questions and Answers : 61 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-05-24
* Price: $ 120.00
1. Which of the following properly describes the 4-port Ethernet PCI adapter card used in IBM Power Systems servers?
A. A single physical connection with four virtual MAC addresses
B. The four Ethernet connections on the card share a common PCI bus.
C. A single connection provides the virtual bandwidth of four Ethernet cards
D. Four separate LPARs can each use a port on the 4-port Ethernet PCI adapter card.
Answer: B
2. A customer plans to consolidate several web applications whose workloads change frequently. Upper management is very concerned about data security between applications but is very cost conscious. Which of the following will best meet their requirements?
D. Partition Mobility
Answer: C
3. A customer with several older pSeries servers plans to consolidate to a single Power Systems server. Which of the following tools can provide output that can be merged with Work Load Estimator to size the upgrade based on utilization and growth trends?
A. Insight Manager
B. System Planning Tool
C. Tivoli Capacity Planner
D. Electronic Service Agent
Answer: B
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