642-373 Exam
Cisco Express Foundation for Systems Engineers
* Exam Number/Code : 642-373
* Exam Name : Cisco Express Foundation for Systems Engineers
* Questions and Answers : 65 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-07
* Price: $ 89.00
1. Which Cisco security tool can best determine if a Cisco ISR router is properly secured?
A. Cisco SDM Security Audit
B. Cisco Security MARS
C. Cisco Security Agent MC
D. Cisco Security IntelliShield
Answer: A
2. In the design phase, which service component provides the customer with a comprehensive design?
A. Implementation Plan
B. Detailed Design Development
C. Project Kick-off
D. Staging Plan
E. High-Level Design
Answer: B
3. At which stage of the Cisco Lifecycle Services approach should customer education presentations occur?
A. Planning
B. Design
C. Implementation
D. Operation
E. Optimization
Answer: A
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