642-426 Exam
Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC)
* Exam Number/Code : 642-426
* Exam Name : Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC)
* Questions and Answers : 48 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-05
* Price: $ 79.00
Exam : Cisco 642-426
Title : Troubleshooting Unified Communications (TUC)
1. Which three capabilities cannot be configured if the default dial peer is matched? (Choose three.)
A. disable DID
B. invoke a Tcl application
C. enable dtmf-relay
D. disable VAD
E. set codec to G.711
F. set preference to 1
Answer: BCD
2. You have received a trouble ticket stating that an executive with an account at a bank cannot retrieve account information by phone. When the executive calls the bank, the call is answered and the executive is prompted to enter the account code. However, the bank does not seem to recognize the DTMF tones and disconnects the call.
What is a possible solution to this problem?
A. Configure the voice rtp send-recv command in the gateway.
B. Set the Cisco Unified CallManager service parameter ToSendH225UserInfoMsg to True.
C. Configure the progress_ind setup enable 3 command under the gateway VoIP dial peer.
D. Configure the progress_ind alert enable 8 command under the gateway POTS dial peer.
Answer: A
3. Your company has a centralized IP Telephony system and branch offices in eight major cities. The manager of your company help desk recently published local access numbers for external customers to reduce the costs associated with your company’s toll-free 800 service. However, when customers call the new local numbers they hear a reorder tone instead of your centralized IVR.
What is the best solution to this issue?
A. Deploy transcoders at each remote location.
B. Deploy transcoders at the central location.
C. Deploy Cisco Unified IP IVRs at each remote location.
D. Increase the number of ports in the centralized IVR.
Answer: B
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