642-446 Exam
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications IP Telephony Part 1
* Exam Number/Code : 642-446
* Exam Name : Implementing Cisco Unified Communications IP Telephony Part 1
* Questions and Answers : 62 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-05
* Price: $ 120.00
1. Which three can be assigned a partition? (Choose three.)
A. directory number
B. IP phone
C. gateway
D. route pattern
E. translation pattern
F. gatekeeper
Answer: ADE
2. Refer to the exhibit. A call is placed from DN 5000 to DN 6999. The CSS for the call includes only the Branch 1 partition. After the translation pattern is applied, what are the called and calling numbers?
A. 6999, 5000
B. 14085556999, 5000
C. 6999, 19195555000
D. 5556999, 9195555000
E. 14085556999, 19195555000
Answer: E
3. Which two can be targets of a route pattern? (Choose two.)
A. gateway
B. gatekeeper
C. route group
D. route list
E. translation pattern
F. CTI Port
Answer: AD
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