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05 de Junio, 2010 · General

642-456 Exam Training

642-456 Exam
Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2 (CIPT2 v6.0)
* Exam Number/Code : 642-456
* Exam Name : Implementing Cisco Unified Communications Manager Part 2 (CIPT2 v6.0)
* Questions and Answers : 59 Q&As
* Update Time: 2010-06-05
* Price: $ 112.00

1. How are Cisco Unified CallManager location parameters used?
A. Assign directory numbers to devices as they connect to the IP telephony network.
B. Implement call admission control in a centralized call processing deployment.
C. Provide alternate call routing when the primary call path is unavailable.
D. Specify the bandwidth used for audio and video calls.
Answer: B

2. Refer to the exhibit. Horst’s Helicopters has a centralized Cisco Unified Communications Manager deployment, with SRST implemented on MGCP gateways at the remotes sites. The WAN link to Seattle has failed. All phones in Seattle have registered to the SRST gateway and can call each other internally, but all outside calls fail.
Based on the output shown in the exhibit, what is the most likely solution to the problem?
A. Configure MCGP fallback on the gateway.
B. Add the isdn outgoing-voice command to the configuration.
C. Call the phone provider and report that the PRI link is down.
D. Enable the outgoing POTS dial peer with the no shutdown command.
Answer: A

3. Refer to the exhibit. On a router running Cisco IOS Release 12.3(14)T, an auto-attendant Tcl script is loaded and a warning message is displayed, stating that the operator parameter has not been registered. See the exhibit for an example of the error.
What must you do to continue?
A. nothing, the warning may be ignored
B. register the application with the gatekeeper
C. register the application parameters with the gatekeeper
D. register the application parameters with the application
E. register the application with the Cisco Unified Communications Manager
F. register the application pa

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